
Here are a few good sites I found for the vocab:
encarta dictionary & thesaurus

Colin: I can't find any synonyms or antonyms for lissome. For the vocab assignment is it alright to come up with one's own synonyms and antonyms?
UPDATE:Hey I talked with Dr. Robson, she told me one would have to provide their own antonyms and synonyms. One may do this using single words, or by providing the applicable context.
List of words I am having trouble locating ant/synonyms:
Colin: While looking up words in different dictionaries I discovered definitions can be slightly different. I am posting the definitions I have found and thought if others have different definitions for the same word you can post along with these. For this section I haven't provided any antonyms or synonyms so maybe fill those in too.

Abase: Etymology:
Middle English abassen, from Anglo-French abesser, abaisser, from a- (from Latin ad-) + -besser, from Vulgar Latin *bassiare to lower
15th century
1archaic : to lower physically
2: to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem

Bonhomie: Etymology:
French bonhomie, from bonhomme good-natured man, from bon good + homme man

Abeyance: Etymology:
Anglo-French, from Old French abaer to expect, await, literally, to gape, from a- + baer to gape, yawn — more at BAY
1 : a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested 2 : temporary inactivity : suspension

Politic: Etymology:
Middle English politik, from Middle French politique, from Latin politicus, from Greek politikos, from politēs citizen — more at police
15th century
1 : political
2 : characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing
3 : sagacious in promoting a policy
4 : shrewdly tactful
synonyms see expedient, suave

Polemic: Etymology:
French polémique, from Middle French, from polemique controversial, from Greek polemikos warlike, hostile, from polemos war; perhaps akin to Greek pelemizein to shake, Old English ealfelo baleful
Date: 1638
1 a: an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another b: the art or practice of disputation or controversy —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction2: an aggressive controversialist : disputant

Fractious: Etymology: fraction (discord) + -ous
1 : tending to be troublesome : unruly <a fractious crowd>
2 : quarrelsome, irritable

Function: noun
Etymology: French, from doctrine
Date: 1831

Function: adjective

of, relating to, or characteristic of a doctrinaire

synonyms see dictatorial

Onerous: Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French honereus, from Latin onerosus, from oner-, onus burden; akin to Sanskrit anas cart
Date:14th century
1 : involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome <an onerous task> 2 : having legal obligations that outweigh the advantages <an onerous contract>

synonyms onerous, burdensome, oppressive, exacting mean imposing hardship. onerous stresses being laborious and heavy especially because distasteful <the onerous task of cleaning up the mess>. burdensome suggests causing mental as well as physical strain <burdensome responsibilities>. oppressive implies extreme harshness or severity in what is imposed <the oppressive tyranny of a police state>. exacting implies rigor or sternness rather than tyranny or injustice in the demands made or in the one demanding <an exacting employer>.

Etymology: Latin salient-, saliens, present participle of salire to leap — more at sally
Date: 1646
1: moving by leaps or springs : jumping
2: jetting upward <a salient fountain>
3 a: projecting beyond a line, surface, or level b: standing out conspicuously : prominent; especially : of notable significance <similar to…Prohibition, but there are a couple of salient differences — Tony Gibbs>
synonyms see noticeable
Date: 1828

something (as a promontory) that projects outward or upward from its surroundings; especially
an outwardly projecting part of a fortification, trench system, or line of defense

Lissome: Etymology:
alteration of lithesome
1 a: easily flexed b: lithe 22: nimble

Assignment 2

Trenchant: 1. incisive: direct, incisive, and deliberately hurtful
trenchant criticism

2. energetic: effective and relevant in the pursuit or achievement of a goal
trenchant opinions

[14th century. < Old French, "cutting" < trenchier (see trench)]

1) Synonyms: keen, perceptive, insightful, penetrating, razor-sharp, sharp

Antonym: dull
2) Synonyms: active, bouncing, peppy, animated, spirited, robust, enthusiastic, lively, vigorous, brisk, full of beans, bouncy

Antonym: lethargic

Sanguine: . confident: cheerfully optimistic

2. ruddy: flushed with a healthy rosy color
a sanguine complexion

3. blood red: of a blood red color

4. bloodthirsty: eager to shed blood ( archaic )

5. physiology history having blood as dominant humor: in medieval physiology, having blood as the dominant humor and therefore characterized by a ruddy complexion and a courageous, optimistic, and romantic temperament

[14th century. Via French< Latin sanguin-, stem of sanguis "blood"]

Synonyms: confident, optimistic, cheerful, hopeful, positive, upbeat

Antonym: pessimistic

Inimical: . not favorable: unfavorable to something
activities inimical to the public good

2. hostile: showing hostility

[Early 16th century. < late Latin inimicalis< Latin inimicus "unfriendly" < amicus "friend"]

Synonyms: unfavorable, contrary, opposed, adverse, detrimental, disadvantageous

Antonym: favorable

Synonyms: hostile, unfriendly, unwelcoming, cold, ill-disposed

Antonym: friendly

Querulous: 1. tending to complain: inclined to complain or find fault

2. whining: whining or complaining in tone

[15th century. < late Latin querulosus< Latin queri "complain"]

Synonyms: critical, complaining, difficult, carping, hard to please, fussy, negative, censorious

Antonym: equable

Synonyms: whining, cantankerous, moaning, grumbling, complaining, grouchy, whingeing

Antonym: good-natured

Euphemism: 1. less offensive synonym: a word or phrase used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh, unpleasant, or offensive

2. use of inoffensive words: the use of a word or phrase that is more neutral, vague, or indirect to replace a direct, harsh, unpleasant, or offensive term

[Late 16th century. < Greek euphēmismos< euphēmizein "speak with pleasing words" < phēmē "speech"]
synonyms: neutral term, understatement, rewording, synonym, code word, weasel word

Antonym: dysphemism

Meretricious: 1. superficially attractive: attractive in a superficial or vulgar manner but without real value ( formal )
meretricious extras that don't really add to the car's value

2. misleadingly plausible: seemingly plausible or significant, but actually insincere or false ( formal )
Don't be swayed by this meretricious argument in the project's favor.

3. of prostitutes: relating to or like a prostitute ( archaic )

[Early 17th century. < Latin meretricius< meretric- "prostitute" < mereri "serve for hire"]

Synonyms: plausible, specious, glib, persuasive, insincere, deceiving, false, deceptive

Antonym: genuine

Synonyms: superficial, flashy, vulgar, flash, tawdry, showy, glitzy, kitschy

Exculpate: prove somebody innocent: to free somebody from blame or accusation of guilt ( formal )

[Mid-17th century. < medieval Latin exculpat-, past participle of exculpare "remove from blame" < Latin culpa "blame"]

Synonyms: free, let off, excuse, clear, release, acquit, exonerate

Antonym: arraign

Iniquity: 1. injustice or immorality: great injustice or extreme immorality

2. immoral act: a grossly immoral act

[13th century. Via French< Latin iniquitas< iniquus "unjust" < aequus "equal"]

Synonyms: immorality, heinousness, evil, injustice, crime, wickedness, sin, vice

Antonym: goodness

Occlude: 1. transitive verb stop up something: to block or stop up something such as a passage

2. transitive verb cut off flow of something: to cut off or prevent the flow or passage of something such as light or liquid

3. transitive and intransitive verb dentistry align teeth properly: to be in normal contact with another tooth when the mouth is closed, or align the upper and lower teeth for chewing or normal contact

4. transitive verb chemistry absorb or adsorb liquid: to absorb or adsorb a liquid or gas on the surface of or within a solid

5. transitive and intransitive verb meteorology form occluded front: to form an occluded front, or undercut a mass of warm air so that it is no longer in contact with the Earth's surface

[Late 16th century. < Latin occludere "close up" < claudere "to close"]

Synonyms: block, stop up, close off, seal, shut off, obstruct, clog up, cork

Antonym: free

Synonyms: cut off, close, shut, seal, cut out, block off, block out, stem, stop, obscure

Antonym: open

Mercurial: 1. lively and unpredictable: lively, witty, fast-talking, and likely to do the unexpected

2. containing mercury: containing or caused by mercury

noun (plural mer•cu•ri•als) Definition: medicine containing mercury: formerly, a drug or chemical preparation containing mercury

[Late 16th century. <Mercurial]

Synonyms: changeable, unpredictable, lively, active, impulsive, inconstant, volatile, witty, fast-talking, brilliant

Antonym: consistent

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